Friday, September 12, 2008

The Ethics of Sharing Your Consultants Work

I have learned that some agencies are providing the "selected" consultant with the ideas they liked from the non-selected firms. Since the proposals were highly technical, these non-winning proposals contained many hours of work and ideas. Since consultants sell time and their intelletual property, is it ethical for us to give it away to their competitors? What do you think?

1 comment:

Bernie Siben, CPSM said...

I think this should be a "no-brainer!" -- totally unethical, if it can be proven. But how do you know, when a client suggests an idea, whether it represents their own thinking or is something they simply read in another proposal? Is a client likely to admit that they are giving you another firm's idea? Would we then need a place to report an agency that engages in such unethical behavior? I am convinced this is as unethical as a "losing" firm obtaining a copy of the winning proposal (as a public document) in order to mine it for ideas to use in future pursuits.